

Today’s SCOTUS EPA ruling must not be overshadowed by the previous higher court decisions of this week.

This decision more deeply erodes the credibility of US leadership here and abroad and has tremendous and sharp implications economically, and for the public health and safety of all individuals and communities everywhere.

Please read the statement ​here that I helped put together for my client. Politics and business activities are more entwined every day. Know when and where to voice your business’s position.

The Best of Badass Leadership - Without the List

I wrote this blog post, below about leadership before the new year. Then it sat in my drafts folder. I felt it wasn’t really done. I was writing about leadership but I have no leader. I don’t like to think I have one or need one. But I do need to be inspired and if happens to be by someone who also leads me to become a better person, a better businesswoman, a better friend, a better listener, and better liver (someone who lives life abundantly, not the organ), then I’m in - and in this department, Miki Agrawal has gotten my attention lately, and she’s pretty badass.